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Aikido is unique as the defensive nature of the art teaches children how to avoid fighting. It differs from other martial arts as the goal of blending with a partner plays an important role. Aikido helps children learn to deal with difficult situations in a non-violent manner. They are taught not to clash or become tense when they encount
Aikido is unique as the defensive nature of the art teaches children how to avoid fighting. It differs from other martial arts as the goal of blending with a partner plays an important role. Aikido helps children learn to deal with difficult situations in a non-violent manner. They are taught not to clash or become tense when they encounter conflict, but to relax and redirect the negative situation. This process builds good social and communicative skills.
Aikido Of Bristol County for children focuses on development in the following areas:
Greater Flexibility, Strength, and Stamina
Practical Self-Defense Skills
Discipline & Concentration
Improved Social Skills